Bespoke units for a social media campaign for the hit ITV show Trigger Point. The brief was to stop the user scrolling and engage them with unique content

ITV Trigger Point
Social Campaign


Scrolling creative that reveals and teases information and content from the show. The camera is constantly scrolling down mimicking the scroll of the feed but also travelling down the side of the block of flats featured in the show.

Tap to Stop

Using the theme of processing information under stress and high pressure decision making, the users to try and tap and hold as close as they could to 00:00 while the clock was ticking down. 

Dark mode

Taking inspiration from the dark scenes and torchlights in the show to create a standout asset that revealed new footage and key message, while breaking from the content frame and spilling into the UI.


Nat Geo WILD Campaign


Sky VIP Christmas 2022